b'COMMUNITY RESOURCESBDG, LLC. Harvey Deeon Eason(619) 748-2429325 West Washington St, Suite 214, San Diego, CA 92103blaquedovegroup@outlook.com Advocating the power of choice within ourselves as well as our communities. A different pathway or journey to life as we all search for. EQUALITY CALIFORNIA INSTITUTEMichael Chavez(323) 484-98013701 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 725, Los Angeles, CA 90010events@eqca.orgwww.eqca.orgCommunity ResourcesEquality California brings the voices of LGBTQ+ people and allies to institutions of power in California and across the United States, striving to create a world that is healthy, just, and fully equal.HOME START, INC.Mark Lagace(619) 692-07275005 Texas St, Suite 203, San Diego, CA 92108mlagace@home-start.orgwww.home-start.org Guided by our mission to assure the safety and resiliency of children by strengthening families and their communities, Home Start, Inc. is a non-profit child abuse prevention and treatment agency.LAMBDA ARCHIVES SAN DIEGOWalt Meyer SEE AD(619) 260-1522 PG 344545 Park Blvd, #104, San Diego, CA 92116info@lambdaarchives.orgThe mission of the Lambda Archives of San Diego is to collect, preserve, and teach the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the San Diego and Imperial Counties. 20222023 LGBT CONSUMER GUIDE & BUSINESS DIRECTORY WWW. SDEBA .ORG 33'